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How are you?
Videoloop Seoul Square 2011
German Media Art on Seoul Square Media Canvas, South Corea, 5.4.-27.9.2011 Ortsspezifischer Videoloop, Projektionsgrösse 99 x 79 m aufgenommen auf MiniDV, Farbe, 4 min, ohne Ton Sprachen: englisch und koreanisch im Wechsel
How are you?
Videoloop Seoul Square 2011
German Media Art on Seoul Square Media Canvas, South Corea, 5.4.-27.9.2011 site specific videoloop, projectionsize 99 x 79 m shot on MiniDV, colour, 4 min, no sound language: English and Korean
Project Describtion:
With my work, I ask evocative questions in a personal way. A hand writes down single words. The questions, which are shown in fragements, do not allow immediate description. The passerby must make an effort to follow the course of events in order to understand what is being asked, Words are written on white paper as if they were personal notes. The hand and words appear excessively large on the screen. The questions take on similar themes which are used in advertisements and in this case refer to specific products. But the questions remain unanswered. How do you imagine a beautiful life? Do you work to live or live to work? How would you describe your own face?